On September 12th, a friend and I participated in a virtual 5K called The Great Cupcake Race hosted by Run Find Your Happy Pace and Running In Sanity! They are trying to raise money for their Team In Training group benefiting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!
We got a super cute cupcake medal!
And we received and wore our "Will Run for Cupcakes" Bondi Bands!
We had every intention of going to get amazing cupcakes from a food truck around the corner from where we ran...Until we found out they didn't open for lunch that day! Sad Face :(
Back up plan...Buy yummy cupcakes at Target, head to Chick Fil A for lunch, and eat our cupcakes at Chick Fil A!
The manager was walking around making sure everyone was doing ok and we asked him to take our picture...
Apparently he didn't know how to work an iPhone, so we have blurry pics of our kids and cupcakes!
At least the cupcakes were yummy! :)
As for the run...well Since it's now October and I can't remember what I did yesterday (the joys of motherhood haha), I have no idea... I'm pretty sure it was a good run though, because it's always fun to run with friends! :)
And here's my little Princess with her crazy windblown hair eating at Chick Fil A! :)
This was also my very first run with my BOB stroller!
That made it an even better race! :)
I'm participating in their 2nd virtual race The Great Pumpkin Race tomorrow!
I love a good virtual race because you get cute Bling, Run whenever you can, and are supporting a good cause! :) I'll put that race review soon, so I won't forget the details! Haha :)
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