Yes. Those are seconds...not minutes! HaHa! :)
I posted it on Twitter saying At least I tried!
And I did! I tried my best for the first time doing either!
I also have decided to start doing Kettle Bell Swings every night! I started with 25 tonight and plan on working my way up slowly to 50 a day! :)
My version of every night, sadly, means when I actually remember! I know that I will get motivation when I see all of the other people showing their times on Twitter though! The competitor in me will come out and I will want to do it! Just to say I did! I'm hoping to increase both times to a minute! That's my first goal! Then I will go from there!
I'm excited to have a new challenge! I am hoping it will help in my running. I know your core is very important in running, so hoping all 3 of these exercises will help me to improve! :)
Thanks Twitter friends for being there to motivate me and push me to try something new when I just want to sit on my big booty! :)
Have any of you ever heard of #plankaday or #WickedWallies?
Anybody willing to take on this challenge with me? :)
good job on your #plankaday! dont compare yourself to anyone but yourself. You are doing great!