I have been in my hometown of Beaumont for 2 weeks now!
I know I haven't blogged much, but I have been run, run, running! lol :)
The first week I was down, I found time to run 4 days! I was so proud! Then this past week has been a bit more busy. :/ I was only able to run 2. Pretty pathetic for me. Especially since I am signed up for a 5K this Friday! :)
I finished my JoggerMom Marathon on the 15th of May and ended up with 48 miles by the end of May! I was pretty proud of myself! I hope to run at least 50 in June! :)
Here is the pic I sent in with my bib! :)
The 5k I have on Friday is called the Calder Twilight 5K! It's the first time they have had this 5K, so it's completely new! I signed up early so I could get a shirt, so I'll post pics of it later! :) I'm excited to do this race because it's the first time I will be racing without pushing a jogging stroller! I can finally see what my real 5K PR will be! Unfortunately, I tried to run a 5K the other day for practice without the stroller, and my time ended up being the exact same! I have no idea how either, because I held a good pace and ran 2 miles without stopping and then only walked for about a quarter of a mile before running the rest of the way! This is kind of discouraging, but I'm hoping the adrenaline of the race will get to me and I will be faster come race day! Of course, only running 2 days this week hasn't helped I'm sure. :/ I plan on running a few days this week and then resting on thursday so I will be prepared by friday! :)
I also signed up for yet ANOTHER virtual race! lol :)
It's the Moms Run This Town "Hot Mama" Virtual Half Marathon!
And if you finish, you get this AWESOME bling! It even has GLITTER! How can you resist the glitter! It's on July 28th! I have exactly 8 weeks to prepare! Eeek! Yes I am able to take breaks in between since it is virtual and not timed, but I would still like to be able to complete it in a decent amount of time! This will be my frist half and my first BLING! So excited! There are at least 3 other ladies in my MRTT group who have signed up and I'm hoping they will want to all do it together! That way I will have company and so will our kiddos! I'm excited about this, because I know that if I can do the training runs with Sophie, then I will finally be comfortable enough to run a real half in the fall, even if it means taking her along with me! I'm honestly scared to run this as well, but I know a half is something that I've been looking forward to doing and having it as a virtual race with no time limits, it makes it seem more possible! And I have to try! I can't give up! :)
I think that is all I have in my running world at the moment! Now on to "regular" life! haha :)
I drove down with Sophie (a 6 hour trip) on a Sunday and I haven't stopped since! I've had to make myself take rest days so Sophie can have some time to sit and relax. The first week I was here, we waited around for a lil precious baby to get here! My sister from another mother was due on Friday the 25th, but the baby (I will call her Pebbles) decided to stay all cozy for a bit longer! :) We had plenty of things to keep us busy, but we never made set plans "just in case"! Well, Pebbles decided to grace us with her presence on Tuesday the 29th! Her mommy and daddy's 8 yr wedding anniversary! What a great present! She is absolutely precious and hopefully I can get permission to show pictures of her soon! You better believe there will be PLENTY of pictures of Pebbles and Sophie together in the future! They are, after all, BFFs! :)
Today, Sophie and I went to visit with the hubby's side of the family! They had a crawfish boil and the kiddos got to swim! We had lots of fun and Sophie fell asleep before we could even drive down the street! She was exhausted! :)
She loves to swim! :)
And loves blue popsicles! haha :)
Some of the family met Sophie for the first time!
And I hadn't seen them in almost 2 years! It was great to see everyone and spend some time with family! :)
I can't wait to go swimming with Sophie again when I can get in the pool too! It was sooo hot today! Pools just make it so much better! :)
Until next time...
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