It seems like I start over a lot. I get in a great running groove and then get burnt out and end up taking off a day...which turns into a week...then turns into 2 weeks. This makes me not want to blog, because I feel bad that I take so much time off! Maybe if I blogged more, it might make me feel like I should run more.
After my race, I fell into a rut. I think I was disappointed that I didn't do my best at the race, and it got me down. So down that I didn't run for almost a week. Then I went out a ran/walked a couple of miles and then ended up taking another week off, ran/walked another couple of miles, then took ANOTHER week off! It was pathetic. Now I did go out of town for two weeks in there, but I had absolutely no excuse not to run while gone. I was staying at my parents and they would have gladly watched Sophie. And they did the ONE time I ran. But, I just didn't feel like it the rest of the time. I've been home since last friday night and decided I would start over...again...this week. I have done pretty good so far! :) I ran 3.5 miles on Tuesday, 2 miles Wednesday, and then I walked a mile this morning. The weather looked bad and it was so windy that I didn't want to stay out long for Sophie. But I at least needed to do something, so a mile it was! :) I'm going to try to run/walk at least 6 days a week, with Sunday being my off day since I go to church. I need to make this a habit and I think this is the only way I can do it! I have to make myself do "something" almost everyday! I will TRY to keep blogging about it and let you know how the "habit" is coming along!
I do keep up with my Facebook page and I try to at least update Twitter with my workouts as well. Follow me on those 2 things to really keep up with me! :)
If you already follow me on those 2 things, then you know that I just won a pair of Vibrams from this awesome page called My Five Fingers! :) I'm trying to decide which one's to get, but it will probably end up being these:
I like the colors, and the laces intrigue me! lol
Plus they are almost completely different than the TrekSports that I already have.
The other option I was thinking of were these:
I think they are cute and they are meant for fitness, after exercise or traveling.
They look comfy, but I think I want to try out a different pair of running one's instead.
Decisions, decisions!
I'll post a pic of my new shoes when I get them!!!
Until then...
Hi! Just found your blog and I was so happy to see someone else who live Vibram Fivefingers! I too and just getting started running, although I used to do it 25 years ago. I just never envisioned how much harder it is at age 50! God bless you as you work towards fitness and the "new you!"