Since the last time I posted, I ran 5 miles without my new pace...and have run several 3 milers.
My 5 miles was without my daughter and the jogging stroller. thanks to my in-laws for babysitting while I ran! :) It renewed my love of running once again. It seems like every time I don't find time to run for a week or so, the next run just renews my love of it and makes me miss it even more when I don't do it! Those 5 miles, however, hurt my body. My hips in particular. I didn't run for almost a week after that, because of the pain of just walking. I decided that my body just can't handle 5 miles right now. I need to slow down and stop pushing myself as hard.
That brings me to my 3 mile runs! I love this distance! Not too long, not too short. Just Right! :) Plus, it's a great distance for my daughter in the stroller! She doesn't get cranky and just enjoys the ride! She usually ends up falling asleep at the end so I get to walk a while to cool down afterwards. :) I have gotten a bit faster with my 3 miles as well. Even with the jogging stroller! That makes me more excited! :)
I am trying to make 3 miles my running routine and habit. My daughter's sleep habits have changed...again...and me running at night has become more difficult. I tried something new today and actually liked it...As soon as I woke up I got me and my daughter dressed and headed out the door to run! Usually this is the time I do laundry or dishes since she is the most happy in the mornings, but I'll just have to find some other time for those now! :) I also tried something new to help me build up endurance with the jogging stroller. I have found that I can't run the whole time when I'm pushing the stroller....yet. :) I ran a mile, walked a quarter mile, ran half a mile, walked a quarter mile, and then ran the last mile. This seemed to work really well! I think I will keep that for a week or tow and see how it goes! I had a great 3.1 mile run and Sophie was great the whole time! She fell asleep at the end, so I walked around for about 20 more minutes so she could finish her nap! Never wake a sleeping baby! lol :) I then came home, put the happy baby in her exersaucer and took a nice shower before beginning my day of playing mommy, laundry, and dishes! :)
In Sophie's world...She is crawling up a storm, pulling up on EVERYTHING, and can even stand up for several seconds at a time! She's getting way to big too fast! She turned 8 months old on Friday and she will be a year before I know it!
My lil 8 month old in her "Bapron" her Aunt Lew made her! :)
I love this face! :)
In Sophie's world...She is crawling up a storm, pulling up on EVERYTHING, and can even stand up for several seconds at a time! She's getting way to big too fast! She turned 8 months old on Friday and she will be a year before I know it!
My lil 8 month old in her "Bapron" her Aunt Lew made her! :)
I love this face! :)
Great job ma'am! Thanks for helping to motivate me :)