I am 38 weeks and 5 days...Almost 39 weeks.
We are in single digits now! 9 days to go!
We are in single digits now! 9 days to go!
I have NO signs of having this baby anytime soon!
I have been walking and eating all sorts of things that people say will help...Not helping me though! I guess she is just going to be stubborn and wait until her due date! I have another doctors appointment on Friday (39weeks and 1 day) and I was hoping I would not make it until then, but it looks like I will! I will definitely be speaking with the doctor about inducing. I do NOT want to go over my due date! We have a history of big babies in the family and I refuse to let her get (more) huge!
I went for a wonderful walk yesterday with my friends Jackie and Brad! We went to a really nice park that none of us had been to before. They had tennis courts and 2 huge sand volleyball courts! That looked like fun! :) We went around 8 so it would be "cooler". It's sad when we say 95 degrees is "cooler" haha. We walked about 1.8 miles and I knew I was done. My ankles were so swollen! I am so sore today! I was hoping this walk would help speed things along, but it looks like it just made me more sore! haha I will keep walking though and try to get this baby out naturally!
I am hoping soon I can write a post about my new baby girl. :)
Very soon :)
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